Meet the Fans - Paul Clark |
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Name : Paul Clark |
Age : 17 |
Homepage : n/a |
Lives In : Abbeydale |
Occupation : Store Assistant, Safeway |
All-time Favourite City XI :
1 Matt Bath 2 Gary Thorne 3 Dave Johnson 4 Dave Webb 5 Gary Kemp 6 Neil Griffiths 7 Tom Webb 8 Chris Burns 9 Dale Watkins 10 Andy Hoskins 11 David Holmes
12 Neil Mustoe 14 Adie Mings 15 David Coles |
Best three City goals ever seen :
Goal 1 : My favourite goal. Dave Webb at Cheltenham in 96/97, we went 1-0 up away, crossbar and in. Also my only ever City v Robins match.
Goal 2 : Adie Mings against Dag & Reds in 96/97 just because it kept us in the trophy.
Goal 3 : Andy Hoskins 3-3 header against Chippenham this season, cracking cross met with a perfect header. I don't remember it much from the time but it looks great on the video on the site. |
First Game Attended : 20th December 1994, Gresley Rovers (h) 3-3, it was a great game and that really got me into the local team. It was the first game I had ever attended, my dad took me. |
Description of yourself on a matchday : Always expectant for a win, willing to get behind the team, telling the Cheltenham fan at work that we will win and they will lose again, get a burger with trav and joe, usually being pestered by my brother once in the ground and when we are on our way home its five o clock sports report! |
Other team(s) supported : Manchester United |
Favourite Away ground : Grantham Town, i liked the athletics track, although there was no stand behind either goal? |
Worst Away ground : Welling United, not with City, but at a neutral match but it was a disgrace. |
Furthest travelled to an away game : Grantham Town in Lincolnshire. |
Most memorable City match : v's Chippenham, 4-3 very dramatic from 3-1 down, best match I've ever been to. |
Maddest Celebration : The fourth goal against Chippenham, I think I jumped on Travis' back. |
All-time favourite City player : Dale Watkins, Legend. |
Current favourite City player : Neil Mustoe, Ex-United, learnt his trade from the best. |
Improvements you would make to Meadow Park : I would like to see the opposite side to the seated stand made into an similar sort of stand. |
Most outrageous thing you've done at a City match : Borrowed Joe's horn for the Stortford match, one of Joe's instruments that particularly gets on my nerves. |
Overall Comments : I think that as long as we keep playing the way we are with a good cup run each season for money and excitement, we've got a good Chairman and manager, I think we will meet Cheltenham, as long as we finish 1st this season. |
Page last updated : 9th February 2004 |
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