Eddie Jones - Defender
D.O.B. - - Cheltenham
Debut : Cheltenham Town (A) - 20/10/09 Last Game : Cheltenham Town (A) - 20/10/09
Young midfielder or defender who was around the squad during our first season in the Conference North. He never really got a chance and after he left his education took him to North America but came back to the UK later in his career and faced City several times for the likes of Telford, Chippenham and Taunton Town.The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.
Clubs: Forest Green Rovers, Almondsbury Town (loan), Gloucester City, Cardiff Metropolitan University, DC United (USA), Dayton Flyers (USA), Ottawa Fury (Canada), IFK Maryland (USA), Hibernians FC (Malta), Solihull Moors, Telford United (loan), Oxford City, Chippenham Town, Bath City, Taunton Town |
Page last updated : 4th January 2025 |
Tiger Roar is an unofficial, independant production. It has nothing to do with Gloucester City AFC 1980 Ltd or the Gloucester City Supporters Trust. All comments expressed on here (unless stated) are those of the author and not those of the football club. |
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Lots of statistical information is courtesy of the great work done by club historian Tim Clark. His book is The Complete Record of Gloucester City AFC 1883–2009. (566 pgs) Tiger Timbo Publications. ISBN 978-0-9557425-1-4. |
I would like to express thanks to everyone who has helped make this website possible through donations, images, video clips and statistical information. If you feel I have used your own copyrighted material and would like it removed, please do not hesitate to to discuss it's removal because it makes cry. |
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